Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What Do I Want Out of this Class

I would like lots of examples when you bring in a new topic. Compare and contrast the topic we learned earlier to the one we are starting to learn. There will be a lot of new vocabulary during the quarter. Could you find us a cheat sheet or list of easy definitions for the new words we are learning in class. You could ask the whole class who understands this word, the class can raise their hand and if most of them don't understand then you could add it to the list. The list of new words can be categorize in each topic we learned. Maybe adding cartoon pictures or real pictures of the word next to it. Students will more likely remember what would it look like in their head rather than looking up on their phone. I think its best to work in groups than working by yourself. I like how instructors tell why this topic or application is important in the beginning of teaching so the students might be interested and motivated to learn. Provide tips when using new applications that are taught to the class. Showing us tips and tricks could cause the class to really try the tricks on the applications. Writing the homework on a spot on the whiteboard during the end or beginning of class, what ever you choose then you can erase when you leave. When speaking out the homework during the end or beginning, maybe some classmates are busy with or doing something. By beginning of class you could tell the whole class what's the homework about on the projector or whiteboard.

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