Tuesday, November 6, 2018

A Visit from Erik Hanberg

I like the presentation from Eric, it surprised me that he was an author of more than 8 books. I like how he explains the process of selling books in to the market, advertising, and making money out of those sales. I been reading books and I was curious and want to know how does an author sell their books and how much do they make. I never known the process of how an author sell his books through the web and public. He makes 50,000 dollars out of those 8 books and to me that was impressive but it was a long process Eric said. He most likely doesn't make copies of his books before puts them on sale on the web. Whenever a consumer buys a book from him on the web, he would print them after they bought the book. I think he read the thousand true fans book that help him sold his books and pursue his dream as an author and writer I think before he was a writer, he has worked in three non-profit organizations and his wife is a graphic designer. After he worked in 3 non-profit organizations, he pursue his dream to be an author and writer. He also talked about podcasts and the history of it in Tacoma. He said around 2005 to 2006 is when podcasts came in. In Tacoma, we didn't had a podcast network like Seattle did, so we made one called "Channel 253". I think it had 9 different channels and some of them had the same host.

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